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Our life is in danger

 Our life is in danger

cut trees

Global Warming

Papyrus in the face of logging and threatening our lives

We seek to use eco-friendly papyrus instead of paper

 The most important dangers caused by logging on the environment

Trees are cut down to make paper, furniture, and more

Deforestation leads to soil erosion and water and air shortages, and there is a lot of environmental damage  Thousands of tons of trees, as deforestation adversely affects land and soil productivity.

- Deforestation causes floods and droughts, due to soil erosion, which increases the flow of the soil, and a state of drought or flooding begins, and the deforestation of forests on mountain slopes impedes the flow of rivers towards the plains, which affects the use of water, and the percentage of water decreases Water quickly.

- Deforestation and deforestation lead to soil erosion, as trees play an important role in preserving the surface of the mountains and cause natural barriers to high rainwater, which increases the level of water in rivers, causing floods.

- Logging causes loss of soil fertility, as logging affects the feeding cycle and has affected animals that feed on trees and plants, whose manure is used as fertilizer to help feed the trees, and the absence of trees causes the absence of animals and the absence of compost, which leads to deterioration of soil fertility, and with Deforestation, fertile soil moves above the ground through rain water and goes to places where it is not used


 Papyrus is environmentally friendly
 Papyrus industry contributes little to paper making

Threatened planet Earth
Threatened planet Earth

Where scientific research has proven that there is no harm to the environment in its cultivation and harvesting

 We seek with those interested in life on planet earth
 On the use of papyrus in schools to teach children and try to reduce the use of paper harmful to the environment

One of the advantages of papyrus is that it tolerates all weather conditions and lives for thousands of years

 The most important use of papyrus
 1- Painting and drawing
2- Greetings, greeting and invitation cards
 3- Graduation certificates and appreciation
 4- Making paper money


For support

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